Daughters of Carmilla is an anarchist zine distro group ran by sometimes one, sometimes two lesbian trans women.

We format, publish and distribute free zines and literature, focusing on, but not limited to, literature on anti-oppression, queer and green politics.
We believe information yearns to be free and spread, so digitally our operation is free, while tabling it’s run by a take-what-you-want, pay-what-you-want methodology.




You can send zine/writing text/newsletter/protest or action report-back submissions for us to host or publish to:

DaughtersOfCarmilla@protonmail.com or carmilladistro@grrlz.net

It’s completely free and nonbinding to host or publish zines with us. We only ask that you do not promote fascism, vanguardism, authoritarianism, capitalism or bigotry in your materials submitted to us.

We accept your art, poetry, just-fucking-around and experimental zines as well as expressly political material.

If you’re involved(or not even) with an event/gig/band/art space/community space/venue/or similar and would like to stock our zines or have us table at, just send an email or message to ^ or below:


Instagram: CarmillaDistro

Twitter: CarmillaDistro